<p dir="ltr" style="margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;">This is the packaging of 
2014. Back then we used ia32.I guess this model is not sold anymore. Since the 
source is no longer provided, it will not change.</p>

Le 22 avril 2022 21:42:44 GMT+02:00, Ralph Little <skelb...@gmail.com> a écrit :
><div dir="ltr"><div dir="ltr">Hi,<br></div><br><div class="gmail_quote"><div 
>dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Fri, Apr 22, 2022 at 11:17 AM Thierry Huchard 
>&lt;<a href="mailto:thie...@ordissimo.com";>thie...@ordissimo.com</a>&gt; 
>wrote:<br></div><blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin:0px 0px 0px 
>0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">Le 2022-04-22 
>18:19, Ralph Little a écrit :<br>
>&gt; Hi,<br>
>On Linux Mint 20.3<br>
>[20:11:38.072537] [dll] load: searching backend `kyocera_gdi_a3&#39; in <br>
>[20:11:38.072549] [dll] load: trying to load <br>
>[20:11:38.072980] [dll] load: couldn&#39;t open <br>
>`/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-kyocera_gdi_a3.so.1&#39; (No such <br>
>file or directory)<br>
>[20:11:38.072993] [dll] load: couldn&#39;t find backend `kyocera_gdi_a3&#39; 
>(No <br>
>such file or directory)<br>
>[20:11:38.073004] [dll] load: searching backend `kyocera&#39; in <br>
>[20:11:38.073014] [dll] load: trying to load <br>
>[20:11:38.073156] [dll] load: couldn&#39;t open <br>
>`/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/sane/libsane-kyocera.so.1&#39; (No such file or <br>
>[20:11:38.073167] [dll] load: couldn&#39;t find backend `kyocera&#39; (No such 
>file or directory)<br>
>[20:11:38.073177] [dll] load: searching backend `xerox_mfp&#39; in <br>
># sudo ln -s /usr/lib/sane/libsane-kyocera*  <br>
>After the above command, the lib is found:<br>
>[20:15:12.008132] [dll] load: searching backend `kyocera_gdi_a3&#39; in <br>
>[20:15:12.008145] [dll] load: trying to load <br>
>[20:15:12.008178] [dll] load: dlopen()ing <br>
>[20:15:12.008390] [dll] init: initializing backend `kyocera_gdi_a3&#39;<br>
>[20:15:12.273300] [dll] init: backend `kyocera_gdi_a3&#39; is version 1.0.1<br>
>[20:15:12.273622] [dll] load: searching backend `kyocera&#39; in <br>
>[20:15:12.273668] [dll] load: trying to load <br>
>[20:15:12.273769] [dll] load: dlopen()ing <br>
>[20:15:12.274162] [dll] init: initializing backend `kyocera&#39;<br>
>[20:15:12.282507] [dll] init: backend `kyocera&#39; is version 1.0.1<br>
>[20:15:12.282725] [dll] load: searching backend `xerox_mfp&#39; in <br>
><br></blockquote><div>Yes, I should have made it clearer that I saw this 
>output from SANE as well.</div><div>We really need to see if the kyocera 
>backend diag can tell us anything about the specific 

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