
On 2022-07-18 03:19, Povilas Kanapickas wrote:
Hi John,

On 2022-07-18 05:25, John Scott wrote:
The SANE spec says that all strings are encoded in ISO-8859-1 ("Latin-
1"). However, from inspecting the code for sane_strstatus(), it appears
that it just returns ordinary string literals, which use whatever
encoding the compiler prescribes for narrow string literals and need not
be the same.
Agreed, going by the letter of standards this is indeed a problem.

So, what character encoding should I be assuming for strings coming from
sane_strstatus() as an application writer? One solution to this dilemma
is, since sane_strstatus() appears to only use characters from ASCII in
the strings, is to use UTF-8 string literals, like this:
        u8"Hello, world"
This would bump compiler requirements to C11. I don't think this is bad,
because we already require C++ for at least one popular backend so it's
unlikely we have many platforms with just ancient C compiler available.

I'm CC'ing Ralph for a second opinion of whether we can start requiring C11.

I personally don't mind going to c11.
Mind you, we did just get an enquiry from someone trying to build on Solaris, but they have gcc 4.9 which should support it so it is probably OK.
GCC 4.9 is pretty ancient.


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