Henning Meier-Geinitz <henn...@meier-geinitz.de> writes:

> Hi,
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2005 at 01:29:27PM +0200, Gerhard Jaeger wrote:
>> well in the this doesn't look too bad if it works ;)
>> Olivers' and my last commits didn't produce a correct output and CVS mumbles
>> something about deprecated format strings...
>> How could this be fixed?
> I don't really know. When I tested it it did work. I tested again 10
> times and got 2 failures and 8 good mails.
> Some background: Recently, in cvs the format of the variables given to
> scripts have been changed (e.g. in CVSROOT/loginfo). The old way gave
> everthing in ${sVv} as one argument splitted by spaces to the script
> while the new way uses separate arguments. If you still use the old
> way, you get a depracation warning. The new way can be selected by a
> switch in CVSROOT/config ("UseNewInfoFmtStrings=yes").

Running a local GForge, I noticed the same and checked it out.  In my
case it turned out to be a cron job that zaps whatever CVSROOT/config
is there and replaces it with a hardcoded one.  The script in question
is deb-specific/cvs_dump_update.pl and the job runs every 30 minutes.

I'm not sure Alioth uses an out-of-the-box GForge, but you may want to
contact the Alioth maintainer(s) or file a bug report.  I've attached
a diff of my local kludge.

> This switch is enabled. However, sometimes cvs seems to ignore it (or
> does not read the config at all). Therefore it assumes the old way of
> handling formats is enabled and emits the deprecation warning. As the
> commit log script expected the new format, several error messages were
> printed and the commit messages looked strange.
> I have no idea why cvs sometimes doesn't accept the keyword for the
> new format handling and sometimes does.
> Anyway, I've changed the behaviour now by using the old formats in the
> script manually (using "%1" instead of "%"). This should work with
> both the switch enabled and disabled. However, now a different warning
> is printed. Maybe there is a cvs guru out there who understands what's
> going on?

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen                          EPSON AVASYS Corporation, LAN
FSF Associate Member #1962           sign up at http://member.fsf.org/
GnuPG key: 6BE37D90/AB6B 0D1F 99E7 1BF5 EB97  976A 16C7 F27D 6BE3 7D90
Penguin's lib!       -- I hack, therefore I am --               LPIC-2
-------------- next part --------------
Index: deb-specific/cvs_dump_update.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/tux4ge/source/deb-specific/cvs_dump_update.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.1 -r1.2
--- deb-specific/cvs_dump_update.pl     10 Feb 2005 01:38:04 -0000      1.1
+++ deb-specific/cvs_dump_update.pl     20 Jun 2005 08:31:05 -0000      1.2
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@
                        if($verbose) { print("Enable pserver for 
$group_name:\t$userlist in $cvs_dir/CVSROOT/writers \n"); }
                        open (CONFIG,">$cvs_dir/CVSROOT/config");
                        print CONFIG "SystemAuth=yes\n";
+                       print CONFIG "UseNewInfoFmtStrings=yes\n";
                        close CONFIG;
                } else {
                        # turn off pserver writers
@@ -136,6 +137,7 @@
                        if($verbose) { print("Disable pserver for 
$group_name\n"); }
                        open (CONFIG,">$cvs_dir/CVSROOT/config");
                        print CONFIG "SystemAuth=no\n";
+                       print CONFIG "UseNewInfoFmtStrings=yes\n";
                        close CONFIG;
From pa...@math.tifr.res.in  Fri Jul 22 05:04:41 2005
From: pa...@math.tifr.res.in (Pablo Ares Gastesi)
Date: Fri Jul 22 05:05:12 2005
Subject: [sane-devel] HP 7450c problem
Message-ID: <20050722050441.ga10...@ahlfors.math.tifr.res.in>


    recently I purchased an HP 7450c scanner with ADF and XPA (for
negatives and transparencies). Here is the information of my PC:

   Operating system: Linux
   Kernel version:
   Distribution: Debian testing (codename etch)
   Connection: USB, libusb version 0.1
   Sane backends version: 1.0.15
   Sane backend: avision
   Sane frontends version: 1.0.13
   Xsane version: 0.97

The problem is that neither the ADF nor the XPA work. The ADF (option
chosen in xsane) does not load the documents, while the XPA
(transparency option in xsane) does not start the light of the XPA
attachment, so no negative/slide scanning can be done.

   I have tested the scanner with the HP software and everything works,
regular scanning, the light of the XPA and the ADF loads all pages.

   Any suggestions?

Regards, Pablo Ares.
Pablo Ares Gastesi. School of Mathematics, TIFR,
Mumbai 400 005, INDIA
pa...@math.tifr.res.in  http://www.math.tifr.res.in/~pablo

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