bob <> writes:

> On Fri, 2005-08-26 at 08:43 +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen wrote:
>> bob <> writes:
>> > Hello, I am new to the list. Scanning with gimp 2.2, xsane 0.97 GT-9300,
>> > and the Epson 2400 Photo scanner, regular scanning works fine. But when
>> > the transparency unit is selected the geometry is not automatically set
>> > to the center portion of the bed where the transparency light is, the
>> > default geometry is at the left edge of the bed. The advanced options
>> > allow the top-left to be reset to any value but the bottom-right can
>> > only go up to 4.826 cm which is not anywhere near where it needs to be.
>> > Am I doing something wrong or is there a way to get the correct geometry
>> > for scanning transparencies that I have yet to find?
>> Could you provide debugging output?
>>   $ SANE_DEBUG_EPSON=127 xsane &> debug.log
>> All you really need to do after you start xsane this way is select the
>> TPU and start a preview.
> Sorry for the delay in responding, I sent this to the list first then
> found out at work it was rejected due to size.

Hmm, log data looks fine to me.  TPU area is reported fine.  48.26 mm
by 231.14 mm is big enough to scan a strip of 6 negatives (that's what
the product spec says it can).

Just to make sure, the area reported does not have its origin at the
same location as the flatbed scan area.  Maybe you are trying to set
scan areas based on the latter origin.  If so, you shouldn't.

The log data you sent indicated a mostly white (or black, depending on
whether you look at the scan data before or after conversion from
negative to positive).  Did you put an original on the scanner?

What does a default TPU scan look like?  Can you put up an image so I
can take a look?
Olaf Meeuwissen                          EPSON AVASYS Corporation, LAN
FSF Associate Member #1962           sign up at
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