Le Lundi 12 D?cembre 2005 20:35, dmeret...@repsolypf.com a ?crit?:
> All/Oliver, how can I do a logic analysis? should i make it on Windows or
> Linux?. I would like to write a driver, but, i never did it before, if you
> help me, we'll do it.
> Thanks


        what you can do is to make the scanner under windows, record all the 
flowing through parallel port, then try to understand it so that you can 
write a backend doing the same. 
        This takes time, and for parallel port scanners, you are almost alone 
the protocol used differ from one scanner model to another.
        If you still feel like doing it I can send you a custom VxD (win 98/win 
only) that set hardware breakpoint on parallel port to log all in/out into a 
file. Since it does file access in ring 0, it has some stability issues. But 
it proved usefull enough to record the data (typical log is ~ 30 MB) I needed 
to analyse Umax 610P and 1220P protocols.


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