Sorry if this is a FAQ, but I'd like to review the fix for a "scanner problem"
for which sane might be wrongly suspected.

I have a Canon LiDE 20.  I upgraded to SuSE 10.0, and installed a lot of
stuff.  Now the scanner would only work for root - the users received "no
device found".  I assumed that this was a scan device permissions problem, and
wasted a lot of time fiddling with device permissions.

The solution in my case was to run  /sbin/resmgr list  and notice that nothing
authorised the Canon scanner.  Since 10.0, SuSE have a new policy for resmgr: 
if it isn't specifically authorized, it's forbidden.  Read this good news at .

For some reason I don't understand, YaST wasn't creating file
/etc/resmgr.conf.d/50-scanner.conf which sets up the resmgr permissions for
the scanner, so I created a file /etc/resmgr.conf.d/51-scanner.conf which

  # Allow access to Canon LiDE 20
  add usb:vendor=0x04a9,product=0x220d scanner

Once resmgrd was restarted the scanner was available to the users.

Best Regards,

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