ABC wrote:

> I got that too before:
>> <sane-devel at>... Deferred: 451 Could not complete
>> sender verify callout

I received nothing at all. So I had no idea what happened. From my emails
(not to the list, but my everyday emails!) sometimes I lose about 50
percent. This is for the outgoing emails AND it is for the incoming
emails. There must be some Nazis-admins who defame me and/or my providers.

Right now an unknown idiot abuses known email addresses of my domain to send out spam.

An other guy put up a new domain and mirrors a domain of an acquaintance
of mine. The calls it seo-improver as he knows that this word makes search
engines react neurotic and sink your ranking.

> That is just aggressive spam checking. Solution was to set in muttrc:
>  set envelope_from=yes

If I would use linux, perhaps. But I use DOS. My main system still is
working with DOS and I am quite happy about it as it is my fastest system
and nearly 100 percent foolproof. I use Eudora 1.54 on top of Win 3.1
An absolutely sober and clean working surface.

It would have been good if there were a note about this email address
checking. I found no hint and had no idea. The bad thing is that I wrote
the very same email to persons in the list - and none of them replied.


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