On 05/15/2010 04:47 AM, Grant wrote:
>> With regards to the horizontal lines, could you send me a sample scan
>> off-list? Preferably a fairly small area exhibiting the problem scanned at a
>> high resolution in a lossless format, like PNG. I don't want to go hunting
>> for the problem if it is difficult to spot. Also, to avoid any image
>> processing, please make sure to use scanimage to do the scan.
> I'll email you directly right now.

Thanks for the samples. I've never seen this particular problem before. I'll 
have to take a crack at seeing if I can reproduce this to make 100% sure it's 
not an issue with your hardware. You'll have to hang tight before I can find an 
Artisan 710 and some free time to investigate.

Happy scanning,
Alesh Slovak                    Linux Team -- AVASYS Corporation
alesh.slovak at avasys.jp          http://avasys.jp

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