This is a useful idea, it comes up on this list every 6 months or so.
But no one has done the legwork to make it happen. I do note when a
model is discontinued from fujitsu, but that is the only backend of
mine where i know enough about the equipment to do so!


On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 7:32 AM, Y P <yellow.penguin at> wrote:
> Hi,
> although I find the SANE project something very very useful and nice, I miss
> something:
> the list of scanners that are supported doesn't mention the manufacturing
> year,
> so the result is that sometimes you think "ow yeah this is a supported
> scanner" while in fact you have to think "Ow ch... this scanner doesn't
> longer exist and/or isn't longer in the shops":
> isn't there a way to provide information about the fabrication year so that
> people no longer searches for 10 year old products while they do believe
> it's something new ?
> Just my fifty cents!
> Labrador
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