Am 17.05.2012 12:13, schrieb Louis Lagendijk:
>> On Thu, 2012-05-17 at 07:46 +0200, Nelson wrote:
>>>> Hey mailing list,
>>>> how can I use the scan buttons of the mx700 with lan connection?  If
>>>> I work on usb pursuing all the best.  Even the buttons.  When I run
>>>> the printer / scanner on lan work the buttons not to scan.
>>>> greets
>>>> candyman
>> Hi,
>> Right now you can't. I wrote the network layer for the pixma backend,
>> and at the time could not figure out the button stuff. It is the only
>> part of the network stuff that does NOT work.
>> And as nobody ever asked, I never got around to look into that anymore.
>> I will put it on my TODO list to look into it again when I can find some
>> time
> As the author of the scanner button daemon (scanbd) I would be interested too 
> in this functionality :-)
>> Kind regards, Louis
> -- 
> Wilhelm
> -- 
> sane-devel mailing list: sane-devel at
> Unsubscribe: Send mail with subject "unsubscribe your_password"
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Hey Wilhelm,
is there a way to test the new sanecode with scanbuttond? Or must you something 
to program?

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