Hi ,
We got an urgent requirement , below mentioned is the requirement . if you
have any consultants  comfortable with the below mentioned requirement ,
Send the profiles to *n...@psitcorp.com* .

*PeopleSoft Portal Developer
Location :Dallas Texas
Duration: Long Term*

*Rate : Open*

*Required Skills:*

v  4 or more years of *PeopleSoft* development work experience

v  3 or more years experience with the *PeopleSoft* Enterprise Portal

v  Expert understanding and experience with *PeopleSoft* Enterprise Portal,
People Tools, People code, Application Engine, Integration Broker ,
messaging and directory authentication.

v  Strong knowledge of CSS, JAVA Script, JAVA, XML, XSL, XLST, Basic SQL,

v  Strong analytical and communication skills


 The *PeopleSoft* Portal Developer will be responsible for the design,
development, testing and implementation of new functions and applications
within the *PeopleSoft* Enterprise Portal 9.x. The developer will write
code, test and analyze software programs and applications. This includes
researching, designing, documenting, and modifying software specifications
throughout the production life cycle. This requires strong experience with
developing applications using PeopleTools 8.5x and related development

v  Develop applications using PeopleCode, Java, Javascript and other *
PeopleSoft* compatible technologies within *PeopleSoft* Enterprise Portal

v  Manage the look and feel of the *PeopleSoft* Portal 9.x

v  Ensure overall system stability and  tune the application for optimal

v  Develop and manage additional *PeopleSoft* Enterprise Portal sites

v  Develop and maintain new templates, table structures HTML objects,
Application Packages, Workflow engine, Pagelets and iScripts

v  Maintain portal GUI look and feel as required

v  Work with the application functional team to understand business
requirements and develop technical specifications document

v  Implement single signon with Peoplesoft  and third party applications.

v  Interact with users to determine customer needs and develop
specifications based on those needs; develop and test applications,
enhancements and modifications; apply and test  releases and updates; manage
and support application in production environment including security
administration and portal administration.

v  Additional responsibilities as required

Thanks & Regards,
*Neo Smith
Progress Solutions Inc.,
550 North  Reo Street,
Suite #300 ,  Tampa, FL - 33609
Office: 704 669 7119 Fax: 954 603 8778
Email: n...@psitcorp.com <kris...@psitcorp.com>*

*Gtalk  :   recruiter.neo ,   Yahoo IM  : neorecruiter*

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