Hi ,
We got an urgent requirement , below mentioned is the requirement . if you
have any consultants  comfortable with the below mentioned requirement ,
Send the profiles to *n...@psitcorp.com*

*Need Strong .Net, C#, WPF developer*

*Location: Redmond, WA*

*Duration : 6+Months*

*Rate: Open*

* *

Primary Skill - Strong .Net, C#, WPF and MVVM pattern developer

Secondary Skill - Added advantage of the resources has knowledge on Excel,
VSTO (Visual Studio Team Office) for Excel, SQL and SSAS+MDX.

1. Must be an experienced VSTO (ver 4.0) and Excel applications (smart
client) developer using .Net framework and C#.

2. Must know Excel (versions 2007 and 2010) and it's object model.  Hands on
experience in automating Excel's tasks is a must.

3. Must have experience using WPF and MVVM pattern.

4. Must have solid experience in SQL and MDX querying.

5. Need to have experience with SharePoint web services and excel services.

6. Need to function effectively and be self-disciplined to test his/her work

7. Must have strong communication skills.

8. Reporting Tools

9. Since the primary team is in Redmond, if the candidate is in offshore,
he/she should be willing to work across different time zones

Thanks & Regards,
*Neo Smith
Progress Solutions Inc.,
550 North  Reo Street,
Suite #300 ,  Tampa, FL - 33609
Office: 954 603 1737    Fax: 954 603 8778
Email: n...@psitcorp.com <kris...@psitcorp.com>*

*Gtalk  :   recruiter.neo ,   Yahoo IM  : neorecruiter*

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