Hi Friends,

Please send me some matching resumes to mah...@cigniti.com

we just received 5 .NET Developer positions that are urgent needs. Rate
needs to be $45/hr.  Location:  Indianapolis. 12 months.

In-Person Interviews Only.

Define, develop, analyze and maintain new software applications.

Proficient in object oriented programming including with VB.NET, ASP.NET,
T-SQL, and Visual Source Safe.           35

Coding, testing, and analyzing software applications throughout the
production life cycle.            30

Windows             Intermediate     3-5

VB.Net Advanced            3-5

ASP.Net               Advanced            3-5

Visual SourceSafe            Advanced            3-5

SQL Server 2005                Intermediate     3-5


Thanks & Regards

Mahesh Atreyapurapu

Cigniti Inc ®


*| *972-756-0622 Ext:207*| *mah...@cigniti.com Email *|*

*|* www.cigniti.com  Website* **|*  mahesh21_cigniti Yahoo IM *|*

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