*Hi Partner,*


*Good Day,*****

*Please respond with your updated resume to r...@nihaki.com*****





Java Swing Developer

*Additional Job Information:*
*Title*: Java Swing Developer
*Start Date*: 07/18/2011
*# of Openings*: 1
*Position Type*: Contract
*Location*: Hartford, CT

*Java/Swing Developer with US Government Client Format * in Hartford, CT.

 The project is 6+ months and starts July 18, 2011.
 Application developer with proven experience providing technical
development and support of custom and packages applications using JAVA,
Swing, JDBC, HTML, PERL, Oracle, SQL and Shell Scripting who must have
working knowledge of US Government Client rules (DMM)/Mailstream
applications, CORBA and Crystal Reports

*Thanks & Regards,*


*Nihaki Systems Inc,*

*732-823-6471 Ex 109*

*r...@nihaki.com** l baji.nih...@gmail.com*

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