Hi ,
We got an urgent requirement , below mentioned is the requirement . if
you’re comfortable with the below mentioned requirement , Send the profiles
to *n...@psitcorp.com.*

* *

*.Net Consultant with SharePoint and GIS *

*Location: Baltimore/Washington*

*Duration: Long term*

*Rate: Open*

* *

*Prefer Citizens or GC’s*

Key personnel assigned to this role shall demonstrate expertise in the
following areas:

·         Software *design and implementation*.

·         Thorough understanding of the database-driven application
architecture, design, development, implementation, testing and deployment.

·         Excellent programming skills in .*NET technologies*.

·         Experience with *SharePoint 2007*.

·         Experience with latest *ESRI GIS* programming packages.

·         Experience with other GIS platforms.

·         Experience with Engineering-IT projects.

Thanks & Regards,
*Neo Smith
Progress Solutions Inc.,
550 North  Reo Street,
Suite #300 ,  Tampa, FL - 33609
Office: 954 603 1737    Fax: 954 603 8778
Email: n...@psitcorp.com <kris...@psitcorp.com>*

*Gtalk  :   recruiter.neo ,   Yahoo IM  : neorecruiter*

*Under Bill s.1618 Title III passed by the 105th U.S. Congress this mail
cannot be considered Spam as long as we include contact information and a
remove option for removal from our mailing list. To be removed from our
mailing list, reply this mail with remove as subject.*

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