I have a new requirements for 2 resources in Peoria, IL.
Title: Tester
Duration: 4 MonthsStart: 9/11
Rate: open

Skills Required:Quality CenterSpecifically QTPExperienced testing in SAP
Very Nice to haves:Experience with the SAP Supply-Chain Management module
Interview Process includes Technical Screening with ISG On-site Team Lead
The testers need to have some exposure/experience with SAP navigation,
set-up of jobs, PSM etc, how to run, how to check the logs, validate the
programs/jobs/processes functioning as expected (may need to check the
values in SAP UI/Tables/Files). Also need to have quality center experience
(a tool, that tracks the status of scripts, documentation, defects etc..),
CAT is in the process of deploying quality center as their enterprise tool
to aid the testing of SW life cycle.


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