On Feb 6, 11:05 am, Bruce Kroeze <bkro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 7:12 AM, jhill10110 <jhill10...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > The settings values for USPS and UPS are not displaying once I save
> > them.
> > The forms are always blank if I go back to edit them after saving.
> > They are in the database and once they are saved the other satchmo
> > apps can use them but if I need to edit them I have to fill out the
> > complete form for UPS and USPS each time.
> > Does anyone else have this problem or is it something strange with my
> > configuration?
> It could be your caching settings.  If you are using filecache, then
> it can be that the user which is running the store doesn't have
> permission to the cache directory.  This can happen if you run it once
> as root and then try to run it again as a non-root user.
> --
> Bruce Kroezehttp://solidsitesolutions.com
> Dynamic Designs, Optimized

That is it! I didn't even think about the cache, but in my dev
environment I am using the filecache. Thanks again for your help.

Jason F. Hill
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