On Dec 2, 10:12 am, Johannes Bornhold <j...@bo-tech.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> lzantal wrote:
> > I got one big question::
> > Should this repository have a full fork of satchmo or should it just
> > contain the template and media files like Pinax does?
> I think decoupling it is a bit more cleaner. But one would have to
> assure that using such themes stays simple.

Yes thats my plan. In the process of creating a few themes I am going
to document each step.
I am hoping to have a written step-by-step doc on how to change the
look and feel of
a satchmo page.

> But I am not sure what will be the right way to handle media (static)
> files. In satchmo they have currently to be copied directly into the
> project's static folder, which I personally do not like so much. Think
> that it would be cleaner if they had a common subfolder which could be a
> symlink or a copy.

I am going to use Pinax's buildstatic which collects and copies all
media files to staticroot.
Not very sure about it but that will be my first try :)

> Other projects like django-cms or the django-admin define a setting to
> get a common prefix under which they should link to their media files.

This is an other one I am thinking of trying out. Have SATCHMO_THEMES
in settings.py
The big benefit I can see is I could write a simple middleware to
manage it/switch theme etc.

Thank you for your feedback

> Yours,
> Johannes

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