Well, it is something you'll be better able to troubleshoot once
you're more familiar with Python.

If you have DEBUG=True in your settings, then when the module throws
that error, you'll be presented with a debugging view of the page,
with a yellow top that briefly states the error and then a grey
section with a traceback that includes little sections of code and
variable context that can be expanded.  You can use the traceback to
figure out where in the code the error is occuring, and what part of
your own code is involved in that error.

On Jul 14, 2:45 am, dubs <wes...@biteout.ca> wrote:
> Ok so I am currently building a custom payment module for Ipay.
> Anyways I based it off of the Cybersource module because they are
> quite similar but all I have done is:
> 1) Duplicate the Cybersource folder in modules
> 2) Changed everywhere that says Cybersource to Ipay.
> 3) Made a XML document identical to the Cybersource one in payment >
> templates > shop > checkout > ipay
> 4) enabled payment.modules.ipay in settings.py
> In the admin panel everything works and I set it to send to the Ipay
> gateway instead of Cybersource
> But when I try and send a test payment I get this error:
> AttributeError at /checkout/credit/confirm/
> 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'prepare_data'
> Questions:
> What could be causing this?
> Where is prepare_data located?
> Does this have to do with my XML document i made for Ipay?
> Sorry if this is a bad question I am somewhat of a newbe and this is
> my first python project but i am catching on quickly so if I could get
> any pointer in the correct direction that would be great. Thank you :)

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