> Is there a reason you couldn't create your own custom shipping module that
> would encompass the logic you're looking for?

AFAICS, this has little to do with shipping. My shipping module
(homebrewed) takes care of talking to my vendor's API to create
shipping labels, get tracking numbers, and such things.

Another reason not to do it this way is because this offer is for a
limited timeframe.

A third one, is that this is a single use case, but I've done a
similar thing to offer special discounts to:

* users with accounts older than a certain date.
* users who had bought subscriptions to some product over, say, a year ago.
* users with accounts newer than a certain date

Also, the discount might NOT have been a "free shipping" one, but a
10% discount, and the question would still be pretty much the same.
Future clients might want this.

For this, I guess I could "subclass" the shipping module and plug this
behavior somewhere inbetween, but then I'd have to have the client (or
myself) go to the livesettings, and turn off the shipping module after
the promotion is done, and then either go and actually change some
python code, or have a useless option hanging around forever in there.
I don't think it sounds very nice, unless I'm missing some way of
handling this in a cleaner way, which might very well be.

"The whole of Japan is pure invention. There is no such country, there
are no such people" --Oscar Wilde


(='.'=)This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny
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