it's a spanish site... but the box "Búsqueda avanzada" on the right is hard to miss :-)

On 18.09.2012 19:23, Josue Balandrano wrote:
Yes, that is what I was thinking. Apparently we think alike :p.
May I wask the url to the webstore that you were refering to? just to check it out?

El martes, 18 de septiembre de 2012 12:19:48 UTC-5, adlh escribió:

    Oh, and just one more advice: you can also use the
    forms.ModelMultipleChoiceField to nicely spit-out a checkbox for
    each "option" on the Model in a "field", without having to
    hard-code anything. I also ended up using a custom widget for this
    field (overriding the CheckboxSelectMultiple), in order to easily
    modify the markup of each checkbox AND to put a mini-icon beside
    the checkboxes (from the model's image) instead of text... a
    really DRY and fast way to generate this filter-forms.... and for
    colors, you could even use the slug as a class to define the
    background of a transparent image or so... it just makes fun
    thinking about all this possibilities ;-)

    On 18.09.2012 18:59, Josue Balandrano wrote:
    I think you are right. It would be easier to create my own
    local-app. I am going to try that. And yes, my idea was to create
    some context-processors which are going to grab de variables from
    the GET data that the form is going to yell. This is just in an
    attempt to remove the "apply" o "refresh" button. Less click,
    people are lazy :p
    Thank a lot!

    El lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012 11:38:47 UTC-5, adlh escribió:


        I wouldn't do it with tags.

        The first reason: they use generic relations so it can be
        sometimes more complex to make things work the same as with
        "normal" relations. But the main reason for me to avoid using
        tags in your case would be, that it would be very difficult
        to group your attributes, like Material: gold, silver, ....
        Colors: red, green, ... , etc. And lets say use something
        like a filter-box or something based on this goups.

        I think a more flexible and still very easy approach would be
        to use a model for each attribute-group, like:

        class Color(models.Model):
            product = models.ManyToManyField(Product, blank=True,
            name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=30)
            slug = models.SlugField(...)

        So this way you can filter your products on a selected color


        You can integrate this Attributes on the admin Product-page
        adding an inline to the object

        For integrating this new attributes on the admin's product
        page, look at my answer (username = andzep) on stackoverflow:


        On 17.09.2012 16:44, wrote:
        Today's Topic Summary


          * Satchmo and Django-tagging
            [1 Update]

        Satchmo and Django-tagging

            Josue Balandrano <> Sep 16 12:16PM -0700

            Hi, I'm building a webstore. I am going to sell Jewelry
            here, so the thing
            is that I have my main categories like "earrings,
            necklaces" and so on. But
            I need some attributes like "Material, color, stone,
            size". But these can't
            be Options because not every product is available in all
            colors or all
            sizes and I don't fell comfortable with attributes
            because I need a way to
            list all this attributes and be able to filter the
            result as per attribute
            So I was thinking about installing Django-tagging, it
            seemes this is more
            or less what I need. The only problem is if I am going
            to be able to have a
            tree like distribution for my tagging? and do I have to
            modify the product
            models in order to implement the tagging?
            Thank you in advance.

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