I am working on adding a fake Auth-Capture process to a Stripe payment 
module.  Its a 'fake' one because Stripe doesn't support the Auth-Capture 
model, but its necessary for my business.

What I'm seeing is this:  after the payment Capture, the 
OrderAuthorization.complete is set to True and the OrderPayment is updated 
to reflect the current payment.  The payment processing is complete and 
everything moves on.  Then, quite quickly, the OrderAuthorization is reset 
to False and the OrderPayment is reverted back to its original pre-capture 

I've added some sleep() calls in at various points and the data reset 
appears to happen after the payment processor has successfully completed.

Does anyone have a clue as to what would cause this?  I'm 90% certain my 
payment processor is setting and saving all the correct values.  Is there 
some master check that will wipe out a payment capture if some variable 
isn't set properly? 

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