
For my current satchmo store, I would like to send html email instead of 
all the txt email. By the looks of the satchmo_store account registration 
code, all the emails are hardcoded and uses .txt format instead of html 
e.g. mail.py

*    """Sends mail related to accounts."""*
*    *
*    from django.conf import settings*
*    from django.utils.translation import ugettext*
*    from satchmo_store.mail import send_store_mail*
*    from satchmo_store.shop.models import Config*
*    from satchmo_store.shop.signals import registration_sender*
*    *
*    import logging*
*    log = logging.getLogger('satchmo_store.accounts.mail')*
*    *
*    # TODO add html email template*
*    def send_welcome_email(email, first_name, last_name):*
*        """Send a store new account welcome mail to `email`."""*
*    *
*        shop_config = Config.objects.get_current()*
*        subject = ugettext("Welcome to %(shop_name)s")*
*        c = {*
*            'first_name': first_name,*
*            'last_name': last_name,*
*            'site_url': shop_config.site and shop_config.site.domain or 
*            'login_url': settings.LOGIN_URL,*
*        }*
*        send_store_mail(subject, c, 'registration/welcome.txt', [email],*
*                        format_subject=True, sender=registration_sender)*

I know you can change the last line to the following in order to make it 

*    send_store_mail(*
*        subject=subject,*
*        context=c,*
*        template='registration/welcome.txt',*
*        recipients_list=[email],*
*        format_subject=True,*
*        sender=registration_sender,*
*        template_html='registration/welcome.html')*

However, it would be in my best interest not to touch the code in Satchmo 
app for the upgrade purpose in the near future.

Does anyone know what would be the ideal way to override this function or 
enable the html email for all the registration related functions without 
touching the satchmo app?

Thanks in advance.

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