Hi there,
I am trying to get my head around implementing a wholesale package of each 
product, available only to retailers.
I read that prices, related to each product can be filtered, depending on 
users' group with tiered_pricing. That's good.
But my problem is how to limit a retailer to buy only packages of the 
product and not single products.
Let's say a wholesale package has 20 items and its price per unit is valid 
only for x20 purchase quantities - this functionality exists.
But I don't want the retailer to be able to buy 25 items at this price, but 
only stacks of x20 (1x20, 2x20, 3x20...).
What is the easiest way to implement this? I also thought about product 
variations, but they didn't seem to offer such quantity 'package' 
I am trying to find a way without creating a second product of the same 
type with its own separate 'items in stock' quantity, since this will be 
unnecessary duplicating of the same product.
But if that's the only way, please tell me.

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