On Wed, 7 Nov 2012 14:23:48 -0800 (PST)
David Unric <dunric...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 1) How can I remove/disable some of the urls to the default views
> like /quickorder to multiple_product_form ?
>  For example if the client asks for http://somedomain.com/quickorder
> gets the 404 error.
> 2) Some of the slug names for the urls of views can be overriden in 
> SATCHMO_SETTINGS dict in settings.py like PRODUCT_SLUG,
> CATEGORY_SLUG. What about other views like /cart,  /contact, /history
> etc. ? How to customize them ?

Jusst define new same named urls for those views/new views in url.py ().
Some examples from one of my satchmo projects (last argument is the
most important):

    url(  # new url for bestsellers
        r'^best/$', 'localsite.views.display_bestsellers',
        {}, 'satchmo_product_best_selling'
    url(  # new view for categories
        {}, 'satchmo_category'

For 1) case you can write simple 'always404view', which will always 
raise Http404 exception. Something like this:

# localsite/views.py
from django.http import Http404

def always404view(request):
    raise Http404

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