After reading docs at satchmoproject site it looks like the concept of 
payment methods handles only two cases:
  1) if payment module returns True (i.e. "success") it generates payment 
for the whole outstanding sum, no matter what so it is in contradiction to 
  2) if payment module returns False, the checkout process can not be 
completed, error page about unfinished payment is rendered

So is there some workaround to complete the checkout without order being 
paid or the checkout process has to be tweaked/rewritten ? That looks like 
a lot of work, in addition to keep with Satchmo's updates.

On Wednesday, January 2, 2013 10:17:08 AM UTC+1, David Unric wrote:
> Hello,
> can anybody explain why Satchmo makes a payment of an order at checkout 
> process when Cash On Delivery payment method is selected ? I did believed 
> COD payment means payment is made at the moment of delivery not in an 
> advance.
> I did tried to find some option through livesetting interface, even took a 
> peek in cod module sources but found nothing particular.
> So how to tweak the COD payment method so order is _not_ automatically 
> paid and order is left with full due ballance, also shown in generated 
> invoice ?
> Thanks.

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