On Wednesday, 4 December 2013 13:41:24 UTC-5, David Unric wrote:
> On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 4:59:37 PM UTC+1, Marconius Cuthemustard 
> wrote:
>> have you tried creating a new Form class based on the existing one 
>> (adding the required fields) and then overriding the checkout view to use 
>> the new form instead? I don't know if this helps, but I remember doing this 
>> a long time ago to add an extra email and telephone field for verification 
>> purposes.
> Exactly. I did subclassed the stock *CheckoutForm,* added missing fields 
> of a model into the context. However I simply cann't call *super* to 
> invoke original *get* method or form context gets sent without the added 
> fields.

Would it help to subclass 
satchmo_store.apps.accounts.forms.RegistrationForminstead?That is where the 
customer info is captured. 

>> As for the signals confusion ... i know it can be annoying. I had a 
>> problem<https://bitbucket.org/chris1610/satchmo/issue/1197/capture-on-shipment-works-but-admin-save>with
>>  an other listener that caused Order to be saved twice. I suggested 
>> removing the listener all 
>> together<https://bitbucket.org/chris1610/satchmo/pull-request/62/capture-authorization-button-vs-capture-on/diff>
>> .
> I can remove the listener however find it quite hacky with a risk to break 
> other functionality if it would rely upon. Satchmo updates may also bite me 
> a lot if divert too far in customization. Looking for a clean, standard way.

Based on my own personal observation, without actually crunching any facts 
or figures, I get the feeling that devs are moving away from Satchmo for 
this reason. It is kind of difficult (at least for me) to make changes and 
customisations easily. I believe that the project is in desperate need of 
refactoring ... so if you can a find a way to resolve the listener problem 
in a not-to-hacky way (bonus if it is also backwards compatible) and make 
the Satchmo source code a little bit better, then it's worth it. :)

>> On Tuesday, 3 December 2013 06:28:43 UTC-5, David Unric wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> just curious how to simply add company fields to checkout template (1st 
>>> step).
>>> By default Satchmo renders in form only basic contact info including 
>>> billing & shipping addresses, no related objects like Organization is put 
>>> into rendering context.
>>> concerned template: *shop/checkout/form.html*
>>> concerned view:        *payment.views.contact.contact_info_view*
>>> I'm trying subclass *payment.views.contact.CheckoutForm* and replace 
>>> url to its new instance however original *get* method invokes signal 
>>> *signals_ahoy.signals.form_initialdata* inside it's body so it would be 
>>> called twice - once from parent and once from subclassed with extended 
>>> context instance :(
>>> I can copy & paste whole original *get* method and do my tweaks in 
>>> subclass, however find it a bit hairy as it may not possibly match changes 
>>> in Satchmo updates (not relying on *super* call).
>>> Is there some more straightforward and/or simpler way ?

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