That is the proper way of creating custom product ... just ignore the part 
about model inheritance, because the core Product model ins not abstract, 
so it won't work as far as I know.

There is another thing that may work. It's similar to making a custom 
module, but doesn't employ the complex Product subtype mechanism (in case 
you don't need it). You can create a ProductFile model in one of your local 
apps. This model will have the file field and a foreignKey field towards 
Product. Then you can insert it into the admin site by subclassing 
ProductOptions modelAdmin and adding an ProductFile inline to it ... 
unregister ProductOptions and register your subclass of it instead.

Hope this helps.

On Thursday, 19 December 2013 22:10:23 UTC-5, Lars Kruse wrote:
> Hi, 
> I would like to add non-image files to my products (datasheets, models, 
> ...). 
> Since there are no file-based attributes visible in satchmo's admin 
> interface, 
> I guess that the default product model does not contain file attachement? 
> What would you consider to be the most suitable way to add file 
> attachments? 
> Currently I assume that I need to define a new product type that also 
> includes 
> file attachments. 
> Is this the proper way to go on or do I misunderstand something? 
> Thanks for your time! 
> Cheers, 
> Lars 

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