On Tuesday 01 November 2005 10:49 am, Steven Rubin wrote:
> I've got a project at GNU ("Electric", a circuit-design system) and a
> Savannah project for it.  This project has both the source-code and
> the GNU web page.
> Unfortunately, I haven't accessed this in such a long time that all
> of my access methods are stale.  I think the upgrade from SSH1 to
> SSH2 is part of the problem.
> In any case, I need renewed access to Savannah for myself and my
> co-developer, Dmitry Nadezhin.  How do we do this?  I assume that we
> have to submit new keys, but how?
> Thanks!
>     -Steven Rubin

To submit new keys, simply login to Savannah, then go to the edit keys page. 

After you submit your new keys, they should be functional within an hour.

For more information, please read the FAQ on updating SSH keys.

Michael J. Flickinger

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