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March 22th 2010 for Alex Fernandez <alejandro...@gmail.com> copy in
savannah-hackers-public@gnu.org thread "Help need in Savannah"

>Your message, with minimal formatting, would make a terrific tutorial
>for wannabe project approvers.

Sorry, but I don't understand too well what you mean with "terrific".
Do you mean good or bad?.

>It would save a lot of effort next time, too. Is it possible to
>format it and upload it as a cookbook recipe?

Thanks for the idea, I will do so later :).

>I will do that. For starters, here is a quick rundown for all
>projects without an owner, without a comment and newer than 10 days:

Thanks, I will check them in the night of today :).

>There are seven more, I will try to do them tomorrow, OK?

Tomorrow or when you have time, don't feel pressed to evaluate all the
projects in a few days.  Evaluate them when you have time, any help is

The most important thing is to be constant, once you assign a project
to you try to continue to the end.

If at any time you got busy or you want to take some days please mail
savannah-hackers-public and Me or another admin we will take the
project you were evaluating while you are off.

BTW do you speak spanish?.
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)


PD: This is the third resend, appears like gmail have a problem

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