Jason Beard wrote:
> Take a quick look at this page:
> http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/ranger.git/tree/doc/examples/rifle_sxiv.sh
> That's why I emailed this address.  Apologies anyway.

Ah!  That explains it.  That is actually talking about the "cgit" web
interface to the git repositories.  It probably should say "for cgit
support" there instead of just "for support".  That is a Savannah
issue and one I might be able to fix.

I hadn't heard of sxiv before.  I had searched Savannah for a project
but couldn't find one.  Searching the web told me that sxiv was hosted

I also wasn't familiar with ranger either and didn't realize that
ranger was one of the projects hosted at Savannah.  My apologies for
not realizing you were talking about ranger not sxiv.


Looks like the contact for the ranger project is this mailing list.


Good luck!

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