Hello Jim,

On Mon, Feb 06, 2017 at 07:05:29PM -0800, Jim Meyering wrote:
Grep is a GNU project, so its "devel" list would be on gnu.org, not on
Is that something you can help change easily? E.g.,


(I'm not very familiar yet with the mailing lists,
so comments are welcomed)

I believe all mailing lists can be accessed through both gnu and
nongnu urls, e.g. nongnu for 'coreutils':

From what I see, the default domain for grep-devel is gnu,
e.g. here:
and all messages are also accessible with 'gnu', e.g:

Where did you encounter the nongnu link ?

Checking on the lists server, I see:

   $ cd /var/lib/mailman/lists
   $ ls -l *grep*/domains/* *coreutils*/domains/*
   -rw-r--r-- 1 list list 0 2002-09-18 10:09 bug-coreutils/domains/gnu.org
   -rw-r--r-- 1 list list 0 2004-11-09 12:52 bug-grep/domains/gnu.org
   -rw-r--r-- 1 list list 0 2002-08-09 11:53 coreutils-announce/domains/gnu.org
   -rw-r--r-- 1 list list 0 2010-03-07 09:00 coreutils/domains/gnu.org
   -rw-r--r-- 1 list list 0 2004-11-01 11:15 grep-commit/domains/gnu.org
   -rw-r--r-- 1 list list 0 2016-09-09 10:15 grep-devel/domains/gnu.org

So it seems at least all these are configured the same way.

There is one command about which I'm not sure: withlist/fixurl
as mentioned here:
  (under "switch from nongnu to gnu" section)
I'll see if that part is not correctly configured.

- assaf

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