> Date: Sun, 5 Apr 2020 16:02:06 -0600
> From: Karl Berry <k...@freefriends.org>
> Cc: sysad...@gnu.org, savannah-hackers-public@gnu.org, r...@gnu.org
> Since the msgs are making it to the list, I can only surmise it is a
> problem in lists.gnu.org -> fencepost delivery -- system spam filtering
> on fencepost, a routing error, .... Unless you have some kind of
> personal spam filtering set up for yourself on fencepost?

I don't.

> I don't think I have permission to view the logs on lists.gnu.org, nor
> do I have any understanding of internal mail routing among the GNU
> machines, so can't pursue. Sorry. I hope the sysadmins can do so
> soon. --best, karl.
> P.S. Also, I did not see an open ticket in the sysadmin RT queue
> corresponding to your original message. Maybe I just missed it, or maybe
> it got moved, or closed somehow. I don't know, but just thought I'd mention.

Ian looked into this, and it seems that was some kind of strange
cockpit error on my part, because the logs say the messages were
delivered.  Sorry for wasting everyone's time, and hope I'll do better
next time.

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