hi - i'm the maintainer of the PsiVision project.

I've been away for a few months working on my Msc in Advanced Computing.
Anyway - i'm back now because the PSiVision project ties in wth my

I went to update the PsiVision website http://www.nongnu.org/psivision/
using CVS and ran into problems. Essentially I wanted to link to my
Bristol University project page for the duration of the sub-project
which will be component of the wider PsiVision project. The Bristol page
is at http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/home/tr1690/ .

After authentication errors, i simply deleted my local copy and
re-downloaded the copy from subversion. I then modified the files to
bring them up to date and did a cvs commit. worked ok. Except even ater
24 hours the on-line website does not reflect the changes. 

If i delete my local copy and do a "cvs update" - the correct updated
copy is return back to me. So the updating ius fine - its just the the
cvs->web is not working. 

I may be wrong - or I may have missed the updating times (i thought they
were 4 times a day - it used to work a few moths ago...). Be patient as
i'm a newbie to CVS etc...



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