Support Request #101418, was updated on Sat 10/19/02 at 03:20
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Category: None
Status: Closed
Priority: 5
Summary: messenger enhancement requests

By: yeupou
Date: Sun 10/20/02 at 05:27
Logged In: YES 
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 Galeon/1.2.5 (X11 ; GNU / Linux 2.4.18-3custom i686 ; fr_FR)


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By: briangreen
Date: Sat 10/19/02 at 03:20
Logged In: NO 
Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20011128 

It would be nice if the "send message to" could be a
select with the available users populated.

Another nice-to-have would be the ability to enter a
group name and have the message then go to all of the
members of that group. The version I have allows a
group to be entered, but does not send the message to
all group members.

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