Dashamir Hoxha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> Hello,
> I have these questions about copying permission
> statement:
> 1 - Why is it necessary to put it at the beginning
>     of _every_ source file?

Because, since you software is free software, any source file can be
distributed, used, alone.

> 2 - In a web application there are usually PHP files, JavaScript
> files, HTML files, CSS files, etc. Are HTML and CSS files to be
> considered as source code? Is it necessary to put the copying
> permission statement at the top of each HTML and CSS file as well?

It depends whether the HTML is generated  (by PHP or Perl, for
instance) or not.

> I couldn't find the answer of these questions at the FAQ page. I
> tried to discuss them with Rudy Gevaert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (from
> savannah hackers) however his answers didn't satisfy me. I have
> attached here the correspondence with him (I have deleted some
> nonrelevant parts, however if Rudy thinks that they are important,
> he can forward them).
> For the next release of phpWebApp (a web application
> framweork package, which I wish to make a GNU
> package),
> in order to be conform the existing rules, I will try
> to do such a compromise:
> 1 - I all add the copying permission statement at
>     the top of every PHP and JS files that are longer
>     than 25 lines.

Please add it to everyone. You cannot predict if a file will remain 25
line long and it's easier to have one single policy for files.
> 2 - I will add just "This file is part of phpWebApp."  to the PHP
> and JS files that are less than 25 lines.  3 - I will not add it to
> the HTML, CSS, txt, etc.
> However, I think that these questions need to get
> a reasonable answer. Just "Yes." or "No.", or
> "Because I like it so." or "Because this is how it
> has been decided." are not acceptable answers.

Rudy was this last month the only really active staff member of
Savannah -for several reasons-, please don't take it the wrong way.


Mathieu Roy
  Not a native english speaker: 

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