Paul Fisher wrote:

In order to update files on commit for the web repository, when a file is committed on savannah, a HTTP POST is sent to The post transaction must have a Content-Type of "application/x-savannah-sync". The body content contains one filename per line. Lines are terminated by LF. Filenames are relative to httpd's root directory and such filenames should not start with a "/", or contain references to "..". Filenames are limited to printable ASCII characters.

For example, if the files home.html and software/year2000.html need to
be updated, then a POST might look like:

    POST /savannah/update HTTP/1.1
    Content-Length: 33
    Content-Type: application/x-savannah-sync


If the POST is accepted, then a 200 response is returned.

Attached is a Perl implementation of the client part. For Savannah hackers/admin : it requires LWP (namely libwww-perl for Debian), and thus adds a dependency on backend/gnu-specific/ Are you okay with that ? (this package is not installed on

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