
        I cannot access my CVS repository for sources. It's "web" tree is 
ok, but not the one for sources. Everytime I try to make a CVS add to it I 
get the same error:

Cannot access /cvsroot/blog/CVSROOT
No such file or directory

        My CVS setup is the following:

            export CVS_RSH="ssh";
            export CVSROOT="[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvsroot/blog";
            alias cvs="cvs -z3";

        Then I try to

        cvs add <dir>

        And it gives the error message above. Looking to the web 
interface, I get a page that says the following:

/cgi-bin/viewcvs/blog: unknown location

        What makes me thing the server is down or the location is not 
created (but it was yesterday!)?

        Regards, Andre.

Andre Rabello DOS ANJOS, M.Sc.
Signal Processing, Data Analysis and Computing
Office: 32-2-A06, Tel: (+ 41 22) 767 5022
Fax: (+ 41 22) 767 8350
CERN - EP Division
CH-1211 Geneve 23 - Suisse/Switzerland
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