Hi Gaius,

Lots of complications here.

First, as Sylvain hypothesized, it's not necessary that every dependency
of a GNU project be GNU.  So you can use p2c in modula2 and modula2 can
still potentially be dubbed GNU.  That's fine.

Second, if you are essentially maintaining p2c now, and want it to be a
GNU project (independent of anything about modula2), then please fill
out the form at http://www.gnu.org/help/evaluation.html and send it to
us ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and we'll go from there.  Sounds good to me.

On the other hand, if p2c is still being maintained by others, then we
wouldn't want to create a forked version without good reason.  In that
case, the best approach would be for you to work with the maintainers to
try to get your changes integrated.

Until one or the other of the above happens, including the p2c diffs in
the modula2 distribution sounds fine to me -- at least until modula2
becomes part of GCC, when it seems p2c would have to be included for
bootstrapping to succeed.

Third, regarding modula2, we (evaluators) have never really dealt with a
frontend of GCC before.  It presumably would ultimately not be a
separate project, but become part of the GCC distribution?  I don't know
what kind of procedures they have (if any) for accepting new frontends
(or anything else).  So the best bet there is probably to write to the
GCC maintainers.  Or perhaps I should write to rms and ask for advice.

Anyway, let me know how you want to proceed with p2c, and we'll go from


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