Follow-up Comment #11, sr #104924 (project administration):

Since I have not received any other responses, I take this as the final word.
 I do not understand why you have decided to be so unhelpful.  You could give
me an sftp account and any revisions I create would still be essentially
preserved.  To preserve _everything_, I have even supplied a one-line patch
that you have decided not to apply.  The stated reasoning

  if I accept the patch for ArX I open the door to having
  to support all other Arch variants.

makes no sense.  There are only three Arch variants (tla, baz, and arx), and
you already support two of them.

In view of this hostile position, I am forced to tell my users that if they
want ArX repositories on savannah, then they must apply for GNU Arch
repositories and not tell savannah that they are using it for ArX.  It is
unfortunate that you have decided to be obstructionist, but I find that there
is no other way to proceed.


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