Follow-up Comment #2, sr #110430 (project administration):

There have been some differences over the lifetime of git about branches are
handled at clone time.  Currently the "default" branch is the only checked out
branch.  But the other remote branches are fetched.  You can see this by
listing all branches.

/tmp/rcs$ git branch -a
* master
  remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

And then one only need to select a branch they want to switch to if they don't
want the default branch.  Let's say that you would like to look at the "next"
branch.  Then simply check it out.

/tmp/rcs$ git checkout next
Branch 'next' set up to track remote branch 'next' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'next'

/tmp/rcs$ git status
On branch next
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/next'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

Since the local directly working copy sandbox was clean with no changes this
switched the checked out clone from the default branch that was set during the
initial clone over to the "next" branch.

These defaults can also be affected by local configurations in your global git
~/.gitconfig configuration file too.


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