Follow-up Comment #9, sr#111026 (group administration):

[comment #8 comment #8:]
> [comment #7 comment #7:]
> > The AGPL itself does not require this kind of notice, as far as I can
> The AGPL requires that the program in question prominently offer every its
user the corresponding source code; I believe the current implementation
complies with that, and rms has confirmed it does.

It does absolutely does NOT require that.  And RMS would never in a hundred
years "confirm" what you claim above.  There is literally no network
communication involved with sv_membersh, there is NO interaction from the user
with sv_membersh.  The notice is NOT required.

> It doesn't seem helpful to me to say, 'we needn't do it this way'---not
without explaining, 'we can do it such or such way instead'.

It has been explained to you on multiple occasions to you over the course of a
year since you broke the workflow for everyone.  This currently makes it
IMPOSSIBLE to work on anything Savannah related.  Please stop this nonsense,
it is again the stupid "10-lines copyright" obtuseness.


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