Follow-up Comment #5, task#16489 (group administration):

> Regarding my previous submission, like I said, I do understand my mistake
and I do understand why you take it seriously, but it will take a wile to stop
using some terms as I have never been formally introduced to them before and
have been using as synonym so far.

Yes; and one of the hosting requirements is using the right terms for a few
things.  Until the maintainers get used to it, they can't fulfill that

> You don't have to trust my word for it, If you take a look at the
file from my submission you will se I even placed a remark about this very
issue under the License section. It really was just a relapse of my part.

I did read it, and even that [// is
not what we actually expect].

> Regarding the current state of the project, I'm apply for the non-gnu
repository and I believe I have met the criteria under
[] and

If you can't identify the issues, you surely aren't ready to follow the

> Anyway, I'm here for the learning process, give me the list of worst
problems with my code and I'll do my best to fix it properly before trying to
submit it again.

Applying for hosting isn't like entering a school, it's more like an exam. 
You have too much to learn.

> The project is still on its early stages, so you can also feel free to send
me any other minor suggestions you have to make it more to the Savannah

Savannah can't afford continually fixing all hosted packages.  We have to rely
on package maintainers.

> I will be sure to add them to the todo list.

...and effectively never do (that's not necessarily because you are not
serious about them---some issues may turn out just very hard to resolve). 
Still I don't think this is what complying with requirements means.


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