
I've from time to time some liquidsoap instance playing blank instead  
of song. I use dynamic request to say which song to play.

I don't know what happen but when the last song is played it switched  
to blank and never came back.

My concern is that at the same time the other 80 instances of  
liquidsoap are running perfectly. I's very hard to see something in  
the logs as there are many instances writing in it at the same time.

Here is my last annotate sent to liquidsoap
(DEBUG): annotate:display_title="W26 Radio 6",display_artist="W26Radio.com 

Here are the last lines found in the liquidsoap log concerning this  
radio id (707)
2009/09/04 00:13:08 [decoder:3] Decoder MP3 chosed for "/mm/fluxes/707/ 
2009/09/04 00:17:13 [707:3] Finished with "/mm/fluxes/707/ 
2009/09/04 00:17:13 [707:3] Prepared "/mm/fluxes/707/ 
trackLHExBW_0.00.05_0.03.64.mp3" -- RID 31
2009/09/04 00:17:17 [707:3] Finished with "/mm/fluxes/707/ 

As you have a huge load, I can understand that something happened that  
make liquidsoap switched to blank. But i don't see why it didn't come  



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