Searched mail list for examples and found some. This has worked:

  source = 

Still do not know why it has worked though :) couldn't figure that
from documentation.

On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 9:17 AM, Davit Barbakadze <> wrote:
> Strange, tried today and it worked. Not sure what I've changed. Hm...
> Anyway... thanks David!
> By the way, I was trying to get an input from a script, which
> basically provides remote url of the next song:
> def mkoutput(mount, name, genre)
>  source = request.dynamic(id="dyn_"^name, request.create(
> get_process_output("#{scripts}next_song.php #{quote(name)}")))
>  out(mount=mount, name=name, genre=genre, mklive(source))
> end
> This is what I get when I try to run it:
> ERROR: This script is not well typed!
> At line 45, char 27:
>  this value has type
>    (?id:string, (()->request(?A)), ?length:float, ?default_duration:float, 
> ?con
> servative:bool, ?timeout:float)->source(?A)
>  but it should be a subtype of
>    (?id:string, request(?A))->?B
> At line 46, char 15-77:
>  this value has type
>    request(?A)
>  but it should be a subtype of
>    ()->request(?A)
> I think I'm doing the same thing that one of the examples does here:
>, but not sure.
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 2:02 AM, David Baelde <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On Mon, Jul 19, 2010 at 3:34 PM, Davit Barbakadze <> wrote:
>>> The only problem is that there is pure silence on my live
>>> stream, although sound data is transferred out from my pc.
>>> def mklive(source)
>>>  fallback(track_sensitive=false,[ strip_blank(live, length=10.,
>>> threshold=-50.), source ])
>>> end
>> The strip_blank is a good suspect for your problem. Try to remove it,
>> then try to put it back and tweak the params, in particular threshold.
>> I haven't used it for a while, and it could be that the meaning of
>> threshold changed since the example that you copied was written.
>>> Also when I accept shoutcast stream as input.harbor do I need to
>>> output as shoutcast as well?
>> No, this is independent.
>> Have fun,
>> David
> --
> Davit Barbakadze

Davit Barbakadze

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