Hi Alexander,

Thanks for the extra info. Nothing to worry about regarding liquidget,
it's a harmless wrapper around wget. The logs are useful, as they
point to pipes rather than downloaded files. You must be using some
feature (external encoder, maybe) that uses pipes for interprocess
communication, and that does not close them properly. That being said,
372 temporary files is still a lot, but that must be a different
problem... do you kill -9 liquidsoap instances, by any chance?



On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 12:46 PM, Alexander <truenr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> I've also added your email directly to recipients list (in case sourcefourge
> lists will crop attachments). Please find answers on your questions below:
>> Are you using the standard resolver for http, that is wget?
> Hmm.. i suppose that we use wget. ./configure script shows in table
> following data (and i have wget installed):
> * Additional libraries
>    - wget URI resolver : requires wget at runtime
> But, in liquidsoap logs i found following line: '[protocols.external:3]
> Found "/usr/local/lib/liquidsoap/scm/liquidget"'. So, i am not sure.
>> Do you have a reasonable number of alive requests? You can see this using
>> the "request.alive" server command. On the server you can also perform
>> "request.trace" to see what happened to a request.
> I had to enable telnet and to restart stations (usually we use only
> sockets). So, i am not sure it would be informative enough. Anyway, i am
> attaching tcp.log file with server commands execution log.
>> Can you identify the too many files in "ls -l /proc/<liq pid>/fd"? If they
>> are the downloaded files, you should see temporary file names
> starting with "liq". It would be useful to check if these files are all the
> downloaded files so far or only some.
> I see only one downloaded file there. All others are pipes (oh god, how many
> of them i can see here!). Please find "station-11-fd.log" file attached with
> output for 1 liquidsoap process.
> One suggestion: as liquidsoap puts all files in /tmp folder, i just checked
> how many files are there. 372 audio files (that are certainly donwloaded via
> liquidsoap). It should be too many files for 15 liquidsoap processes working
> at one time.
>> Just to be sure, can you reproduce the issue without cue_cut?
> Of course, i have disabled it and restarted all stations, i will continue
> reporting if liquidsoap processes will die again.
> Hope this information helps. Thanks for your response!
> 2014-01-29 David Baelde <david.bae...@gmail.com>
>> Hi,
>> No clue so far, so I'll ask a few questions instead.
>> * Are you using the standard resolver for http, that is wget?
>> * Do you have a reasonable number of alive requests? You can see this
>> using the "request.alive" server command. On the server you can also
>> perform "request.trace" to see what happened to a request.
>> * Can you identify the too many files in "ls -l /proc/<liq pid>/fd"?
>> If they are the downloaded files, you should see temporary file names
>> starting with "liq". It would be useful to check if these files are
>> all the downloaded files so far or only some.
>> * Just to be sure, can you reproduce the issue without cue_cut?
>> Thanks,
>> David
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> Kind regards,
> Alexander.


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