On 3/31/04 10:05 AM, "Jeremy Epstein" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You might also consider one of the IPS products (e.g., Okena/Cisco,
> Entercept/NAI, or PlatformLogic), all of which will allow you to constrain
> what happens.... and may be somewhat more scalable than VMware if you need
> to run a bunch of instances of the virtual environment.

This answer decidedly beyond the scope of "secure coding."  IPSes don't even
run on the host with the code. IPS systems are so far removed from the
actual host that they have no context on which to base decisions about
custom code. The OS can't stop bad programmers from shooting themselves in
the foot. It can at least apply a few limits to the damage when they do.

The original question was "how can I limit one user's ability to interfere
with other users on the box?"  An answer that takes the box offline when bad
stuff happens is probably not the answer he was hoping for.  It's a
host-based question, and the network is not the right place to solve it.

Paco Hope, CISSP
Senior Software Security Consultant
Cigital, Inc. http://www.cigital.com/
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- +1.703.404.5769

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