Nash wrote:

****** It would be extremely interesting to know how many exploits could
be expected after a reasonable period of execution time. It seems that
as execution time went up we'd be less likely to have an exploit just
"show up". My intuition could be completely wrong, though.

I would think that "time" is pretty much irrelevant, because it depends
on the intelligence used to order the inputs you try. For instance,
time-to-exploit will be very long if you feed inputs to (say) Microsoft
IIS starting with one byte of input and going up in ASCII order.
Time-to-exploit gets much shorter if you use a "fuzzer" program: an
input generator that can be configured with the known semantic inputs of
the victim program, and that focuses specifically on trying to find
buffer overflows and printf format string errors by generating long
strings and using strings containing %n.

Even among fuzzers, time-to-exploit depends on how intelligent the
fuzzer is in terms of aiming at the victim program's data structures.
There are many specialized fuzzers aimed at various kinds of
applications, aimed at network stacks, aimed at IDS software, etc.


Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
CTO, Immunix

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