On 5/14/06, Dinis Cruz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Kevin is correct, a type confusion attack will allow the bypass of the
security manager simply because via a type confusion attack you will be able
to change what the security manager is 'seeing'

In both .Net and Java, the sandboxes logic (CAS and Security manager) are
external to the the JVM/CLR, that is the security checks ("can I access this
file?", "do I have permissions to call this method?", etc...) are performed
in the middle of the core Framework libraries. Basically what the core
Framework developers do, is to analyze all public entry points, and make
sure that all are protected with a Security Demand (using .Net terminology).

These public methods will then call private methods, who will be the ones
that actually access the resources being protected (note that in these
private methods there are no security checks).

So in an environment where you have a solid Security Policy (enforced by a
Security Manager) but the verifier is NOT enabled, then to jump out of the
sandbox all that you need to do is to create a Type Confusion exploit that
allows you to access a private member that either: calls the protected
resource directly or disables the Security Manager (which based on the
description provided is the demo that I think Ed Felten did).

 Of course that there will be other ways to exploit a non-verify world.
Without verification it should be possible to create Buffer Overflows and
other types of direct manipulation of memory objects which all occur before
the security manager has a change to do anything.

Please read the java documentation.


Maybe you are also interested in BCEL by apache.

Using a 'Matrix' Analogy, the Security Manager is the Police Department
that operates inside the virtual world, where the verifier is the one that
make sure that all characters (including the Police) behaves accordingly to
the rules defined for that virtual world. In this analogy Neo (the hero) was
able to perform several Type Safety or Verifier attacks which gave him those
extra powers :)

 I will stick to my guns and say that in a Virtual Machine environment like
the JVM or CLR it doesn't make sense to have the overhead of a security
system (like CAS or Security Manager) if the verifier is disabled.

 Basically code executed with no verification is as 'secure' and contained
as unmanaged code.

What do you mean by verification?

 And remember that this code will be able to access ALL resources that the
account used to execute that code has (from emails to VPNs to documents to
online financial services, etc...)

 But probably the best way forward (since the guys from SUN and other Java
Application server can't be bothered (or don't have permission) to
participate in this discussion) will be to do a proof of concept example.

 Why don't we do a 'break from a non verified Sandbox' challenge?

"We" ? Why don't _YOU_ do it. This is your crusade.

Your code must break out of a "-noverify" sandbox, but fail to break a
-verifiy sandbox.

 Dinis Cruz
 Owasp .Net Project

-- Michael

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