Gary McGraw wrote:
Hi all (especially david),

The story you repeated about ITS4 finding a vulnerability
> "that can't happen" is wrong.

The tool FIST (a fault injection tool for security) which we decribed
> in an Oakland paper from 1998 was what you were thinking of.
> (FIST was also produced at cigital...the paper was by anup ghosh,
> tom o'connor, and myself.). FIST found a vulnerbility that we could not
> figure out how to exploit.  Some 6 months later, a security researcher
> figured out how and published the sploit.

Ah! That explains why I couldn't find it.  Right basic story, and right
company... but wrong tool.  Thanks for the correction.

I think it's a very good cautionary tale, and not everyone's
heard it.  Could you post a little more information about that
here, with citations (URLs where possible)?  I believe a preprint
of the FIST paper you mean is here, correct?:

--- David A. Wheeler

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